Prenuptial Agreements Roundup – November 7, 2007

There have been a lot of good posts in the blogosphere lately about prenuptial agreements. Here’s a roundup of some of the best ones:

1. I Will Only Marry You If We Get a Prenup – Wise is the person who says this. This article emphasizes the importance of getting a prenup.

2. Basics of Prenuptial Agreements. This article is written on a blog about financial prosperity by someone who is about to get married [update – this article no longer exists].

3. Debate on Whether Prenuptial Agreement Should be Compulsory. At this time, the site contains about 78 articles with various people debating the pros and cons of making it mandatory for all couples about to get married to have prenups [update – this article has been removed].

4. Donald Trump Loves Prenuptial Agreements. He’s out promoting his latest book and one of the things he emphasizes is the importance of a prenup in a person’s financial success [update- this article has been removed].

5. More Reasons for Prenuptial Agreement Mediation. Mediator and Attorney Paula Lawhon discusses some of the benefits of using a mediator in preparing a prenup. I’d certainly agree with that – the particular skill that a mediator has is helping people come to an agreement.

6. The Economics of Prenuptial Agreements – A humorous look at how a prenup deals with the economics of a gold digger and a sugar daddy marrying [update – this article has been removed].

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