Prenuptial Agreement Form

A prenuptial agreement form is a form that you complete from which a prenuptial agreement is generated. The advantage of these are that they are significantly cheaper than going to an attorney, despite the fact that the agreements are drafted by attorneys. As well, you can do it yourself and this makes the process much quicker and simpler as well.

We offer a prenuptial agreement form for all states, as follows:




















































Items that may be covered in a prenuptial agreement form include the parties’ names, statements of the parties’ assets, liabilities, and incomes (and perhaps supporting documentation), information as to how assets will be split upon a marriage ending via separation or death, information as to how debts will be handled upon the dissolution of the marriage, as well as spousal support or alimony that will be payable (including no spousal support at all). Usually the signature of a witness or notary is required as well. If one spouse owns a home or business, you may wish to include clauses about that as well.


Although the law is quite similar in most states, each state has its own peculiarities. Therefore, it is important to use the prenuptial agreement form that is correct for your state.

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