Nevada Marriage Laws

The marriage laws in Nevada are not like most other states. Known for their ‘fast marriages’, Nevada is a hot spot for eloping and weddings for people from all over the world. To be married in Nevada, you do not need to be a resident, but you must have a valid marriage license issued in the State of Nevada. You will need to have photo identification and your original birth certificate. Both parties to the marriage must be present when applying for a license and there is no waiting period to be issued a license, however the license will expire in one year.

Marriages of minors age 16 or 17 must have one parent or legal guardian present or written and signed consent. For minors under the age of 16, only a court order can be requested by the parent or guardian and must be approved by the judge.

Nevada does not recognize or perform proxy marriages, both parties must be present at the ceremony. Nevada also does not recognize common law marriages or same sex marriages. Cousin marriages may be performed if they are no nearer than second cousins or they are cousins of half blood. Incestuous marriages are illegal in the State of Nevada. The State of Nevada also does not allow the ‘renewing of wedding vows’—the clerks are not allowed to issue a license to any person who is already married, even if just renewing their vows. You can renew your vows at a chapel or church, but you must have a copy of your marriage certificate with you.

An ordained minister or clergy person of any religion as well as justices of the peace may perform marriage ceremonies.

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