Nebraska Marriage Laws

In order to marry in the State of Nebraska, you must have a valid marriage license, which can be applied for at any county or city office. Both parties to the marriage must be present when applying for a marriage license and there is no waiting period for the license to be issued. The issued marriage license is valid for one year anywhere in Nebraska.

If either party is under the age of 19, parental consent in the form of a notarized consent form must be signed. Nebraska will not issue a marriage license to a couple where one or both of the parties to be married are under the age of 17.

If you were previously married or widowed, you will have to show proof and date of death or divorce. You may need to wait 6 months before remarrying as deemed by the court or county clerk.

The State of Nebraska does not recognize covenant marriages, common law marriages, proxy marriages, cousin marriages, incestuous marriages or same sex marriages. The State of Nebraska will not issue a marriage license to those who wish to marry in these manners.

Any clergyman or minister who is ordained from any religious sect may solemnize a marriage ceremony. Judges, retired judges and clerk magistrates may also perform wedding ceremonies. The officiate of the marriage must return the completed wedding certificate to the county clerk that issued it as soon as possible. The officiate must also give a copy of the certificate to the bride and groom.

It is required that you have two witnesses present at your marriage ceremony.

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